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Category Archives: Health

Mango Hao and Manao Ho have up to 50 medicinal properties.

Mango Hao and Manao Ho have up to 50 medicinal properties.

If we talk about fruits in our country that have medicinal properties, there are many types. But there is one type whose name is so catchy that it is called “Mamuanghao. Manao Ho” Many people who have heard of this name are still curious. In short,

Mangoes are delicious and useful both ripe and raw.

Mango are delicious and useful both ripe and raw.

One of the fruits that both ripe Thai people like. and foreigners plus the price is not expensive And it’s super easy to buy, inevitably “mango” that can be delicious both raw and cooked, plus each species has a different taste. benefits of raw mango Raw mangoes are both sweet

4 reasons that make "menstruation" not normal

4 reasons that make “menstruation” not normal

when the month does not come must find the reason why may not be pregnant because it could be more dangerous Which one is called Irregular menstruation Asst. Prof. Orawin Wallipakorn, M.D., Reproductive Medicine Department Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University states that each monthly cycle There

Breast lumps "without surgery" can be cured.

Breast lumps “without surgery” can be cured.

Taking care of your health by examining your own body is very important for us to know if our body has any hidden diseases or not. If an abnormality is detected, it will be properly treated. Just like the breasts, every woman should perform a breast self-exam at least